
Pests and Plumbing Problems: What’s the Connection?

Welcome back to our blog! Along with spring comes the rejuvenation of life and regrowth. As a result, the blooming plants and flowers make our yards and properties here in West Lake Hills colorful, vibrant, and full of life. Unfortunately, along with the blooming flowers comes the increase in pest and rodent activity. From cockroaches and snakes to mice, rats, ants, mosquitos, and other creepy crawlies, our yards become habitats teaming with all kinds of life. As insects and rodents become more and more active as the weather continues to warm up in and around Austin, these critters become more of a threat to you and your home, which can affect your plumbing and vice versa.

Most homeowners may not realize the correlation between pests and common plumbing problems. Therefore, in today’s blog post, we’ll take a look at the connection between pests and plumbing issues to see which plumbing problems attract pests, and which pests cause plumbing leaks. Keep in mind that if you have a plumbing issue this spring, you can rely on Mojica Plumbing & Drain Cleaning to provide you with the most effective plumbing solutions. Read on to learn more about the link between pests and plumbing problems.

Plumbing Problems That Attract Pests

Just like humans, pests need water to thrive. This means that even the most insignificant plumbing leak could create a much larger problem when it comes to pest and rodent infestations. Below are some of the most common plumbing issues that can attract insects and rodents of all types:

Visible Plumbing Leaks

You know that slow-dripping leak underneath your kitchen sink? The one that is slowly leaking water into that little bucket you put underneath the leak to catch the water? That leak is probably attracting insects as you read this blog post. By allowing a leak to continue and letting that leaked water collect in a bucket, you’re essentially asking for insects to invade your kitchen space. Not only does a leak provide bugs with the water they need to survive, but standing water that collects in a bucket or puddles on the floor can become a breeding ground for insects like flies, dragonflies, and mosquitoes. Standing water can also become a home for bacteria and parasites to thrive which poses health risks to you, your family, and your pets.

The trouble with any plumbing leak is that it can damage the materials where the leak occurs. For instance, a slow leak that drains onto a wooden surface can rot the wood, making it the perfect snack and habitat for termites. Other insects can burrow into saturated wood where they can live and have their spawn. Yuck! Additionally, rotten wood becomes soft enough for mice, rats, and other rodents to chew through, giving them all the fixings they need for a nest to breed in and raise their young. Some insects like carpenter ants are even attracted to mold and mildew caused by a plumbing leak. Bottom line — plumbing leaks are bad.


Hidden Plumbing Leaks

Hidden leaks that often occur in attics, basements, crawl spaces, garages, wall voids, ceilings, and other areas in the home become the perfect water source for pests. Most bugs and rodents don’t like humans and pets (unless they’re feeding on them) and prefer to stay hidden in the dark crevices and hidden spaces around a home. Hidden leaks provide pests and rodents with easy access to water where they can drink and breed in a less conspicuous area. What’s more, concealed leaks can go for days to even years without being detected. Not only is your property being gradually damaged over time by water, but a whole swath of pests may be infesting your home as a result. Here are some of the most common concealed leaks people tend to miss in their home:

  • Broken sewer lines
  • Slab leaks
  • Broken pipe concealed by walls and flooring
  • Slow appliance leak
  • Water heater leak
  • Bathroom and kitchen leaks hidden by cabinetry and closets

Faulty Plumbing Fixtures & System Components

Faulty or broken plumbing fixtures can cause leaks that can attract bugs and vermin — pests love damp places full of moisture and condensation. A bad or failing plumbing fixture can create the perfect environment for critters to live and thrive in your home. This is especially true in attics, basements, crawl spaces, and garages.

Pests That Cause Plumbing Problems

Now that we have looked at the plumbing problems that can attract pests, let’s explore some of the most common pests that cause household plumbing issues.


Ah, the dreaded house rodent. At Mojica Plumbing, we truly hope you never have to deal with these awful, destructive, and totally disgusting critters in your home. Rodents like mice, rats, gophers, and squirrels can cause serious and costly damages to homes in and around Austin. Rodents enter homes by way of sewer systems, gaps in the crawl space, holes in the foundation, vents on the roof, and through doors and windows. Mice can jump as a high as a foot and can squeeze through holes as small as a dime. Both rats and mice can climb vertically, which means that they can climb up your plumbing pipes. The problem here is that they can leave debris in pipes that cause clogs. And if a rodent dies in your plumbing system, this will also cause a plumbing backup. If rodents clog your plumbing system, it could cause the pressure to build in your plumbing lines which may spring a leak.


You know how in the movies they often show cockroaches crawling their way out of drains in the bathroom sink? While it is the stuff of nightmares, this — unfortunately — does happen. As you’re probably well aware, Austin and the surrounding areas are home to billions of cockroaches. Some folks even refer to Austin as the “capital of cockroaches,” as one report has shown. Cockroaches are nasty little creatures that invade West Lake Hills homes through many different entryways, including the plumbing systems. They are attracted to organic debris and, you guessed it, water. When a home is seriously infested with these nasty buggers, they can cause clogs in plumbing pipes and sink traps in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. When sink traps become clogged with stagnant water, mildew, and other debris, these leaks tend to occur below the sink basin.


These destructive insects are drawn to water, food, and shelter, all of which the wooden structures in your home provides them with. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) suggests that termites prefer cellulose-rich materials such as wood for their food and shelter. Termites typically establish colonies in wood that is at ground level near water and food sources, but can create a colony just about anywhere. Termites can make their way into a home during new construction or a remodel project where water comes in contact with wood or the earth is damp. Because they need water to survive, they are attracted to water from leaks and other plumbing issues.

Fix Your Plumbing Issues

To avoid suffering a pest infestation caused by plumbing problems, your best bet is to call our Mojica plumbers in West Lake Hills. What’s more, if your plumbing issue has been caused by a pest or rodent, we have the skill and experience to fix any and all plumbing troubles. For those of you who haven’t worked with our team before, don’t simply search “plumbers near me” in West Lake Hills and choose just any plumbing company; rather, call our reputable local plumbers at Mojica Plumbing who always have your health, safety, and comfort in mind with each plumbing service we provide.

Be sure to join us for our upcoming blog post where we’ll offer tips on how to protect your home from pests that can cause plumbing issues. Until then, thanks for reading our blog post!